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Are we preaching to the choir?

Dear friends, It's been a busy couple of weeks, and my mind is swirling with thoughts about the future of Texas, the upcoming election, and the progressive message. If you're receiving this email, you are likely (though not necessarily) the proverbial choir who doesn't need my preaching. As we move toward the general election, our campaigns focus will be less and less on the choir and more and more on the folks who aren't even in the pews. A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak at rallies for Lupe Valdez, candidate for Texas governor, and Beto O'Rourke, candidate for United States Senate. Both of these rallies took place in Blanco County, a predominantly rural area that's hardly known as a hotbed of progressive politics. And yet both rallies were also packed to the brim with hundreds of people in attendance. This gives me so much hope. The policies I support - state funding public schools, expanding Medicaid, treating all Texans with dignity - are good for ALL Texans, not just Texans who live in cities or suburbs and not just Texans who identify as Democrats. Rural Texas and progressive politics should not be mutually exclusive. Thanks to the hard work of organizers around the state, I'm confident they won't be in the future. And then this past week, I have knocked on doors more days than I haven't. I always ask the folks I talk to, "What issues are important to you?" During primary season, when we were talking to frequent voters, they usually answered with something like education, healthcare, civil rights, or even an exasperated, "Oh all of them!" Now that I'm talking to less frequent or newer voters, I often hear some version of, "I'm not sure. What should I care about?" These are good folks who care deeply about their community, but they're raising young children, have a long commute, are working and going to school simultaneously, or come from a nonpolitical family. They may be exhausted by negative politics or unsure if their vote even matters. These are my favorite people to speak to. I love to deliver the message that yes, this election matters, and that yes, their vote counts, and that yes, we can make real change in Texas that has a real impact on their daily lives. That is my work, and that's how we can win House District 45. By letting Texans who have felt disenfranchised know just how powerful they are. Our votes will shape our state's future, but we have to do the work to get over the line on election day. Please help us by reaching out to your friends, family, and neighbors and telling about this campaign and just how much their vote counts. And if you can, please help us buy more campaign literature and more social media advertisements, so that we can reach more voters! Every dollar we raise lets us reach another voter. Let's put the all back in y'all, Erin

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Erin Zwiener
Texas House District 45
PO Box 184, Driftwood, TX 78619

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Pol. Adv. paid for by Erin Zwiener For Texas House

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